18 aprill 2020

"Männiku rahvas! Kes teab selle koera elukohta?"

Loomapäästegrupp palub teada anda kui äkitselt keegi teab, kus see üsna näljase olekuga kutsa täpsemalt elab. Väideti Jalaka uulitsat, aga seal ta täna silma ei hakanud. Pole ammu midagi seadusevastast teinud ja meie kui "pahade poiste" maine kahaneb kohutava kiirusega. Isegi KAPO aastaraamatus polnud meist silpigi ja see näitab vaid seda, et oleme omadega maha käinud.

Sestap varastaksime selle õnnetu hinge ära ja tagaksime väärika vanaduspõlve. Seda muidugi juhul kui pererahvas ise ei loobu või kutsal mõni ravimatu tervisehäda kallal pole. Kui ta nii haige oleks, siis ta toitu nii ei ahmiks. Minu arvamus, mitte absoluutne tõde.

No igatahes tahaks selgust ja see pole mingi jutt, et loomaarstid ei tea, mis tal viga on? Ilmselt on arstil tegelikult käimata ja siin saaks me gäng abiks olla kasvõi arve tasumisel kui inimesel endal üle jõu käib.

Ärge nüüd õhku ahmima hakake - me ei võta eales eakat koera kodust, kus ta harjunud on, ilma põhjuseta ära vaid aitame igati kaasa, et loomake kõhu täis ja valust vabaks saaks. Eriti tore oleks kui omanik ise helistaks. Teateid ootame nagu ikka:

1414, help@animalrescue.ee

Meile saabunud murekiri:

"Hello, I am very sorry but my Estonian is not that perfect yet to express everything fully.

Today April 18th - between 13:00- 13:35 we saw an incredibly malnourished dog next to the Rimi shopping center (Männiku 100). There were people lingering around the animal obviously concerned and once I saw him, I just couldn't leave it be.
While I run to Rimi to get him some food I asked my boyfriend to call someone that helps animals since he is Estonian.

He called here: Shelter MTÜ Paljassaare tee 85 shelter. 24-hour helpline 514 1431 - alerts on found or missing animals. They referred him to municipal police. We called them as well. By the time they came owner already was back from shopping in Rimi and was presented that the dog was old and she took him to the vet and they don't know what is the problem.

The reason I could not believe it was that this dog was in no way happy to see her or go with her, he was trying to run away and get out from his leash.

Municipality police came around 13:35-40 , in one minute saw that the dog has an owner and told her she can go, all is good. They didn't even ask her anything. Not even what was the name of her dog. I do not believe that dog is ok or that she is feeding him.

This woman lives next to Männiku, probably in Jalaka street. Is there anything you can do? Is there anything I can do? Could I go around there and see if I can find where she lives? Is there anything we can do to make sure this dog is safe and fed?"